How to Become a Cosmetology Instructor

Once you've established yourself as a successful cosmetologist in the beauty business, you may be wondering where you can go from there with your career. You always have the option to become a more predominant name in the field through marketing and expanding the services you offer. However, if you're looking to advance your career in another direction, there is also the option of becoming a cosmetology instructor, especially if you enjoy sharing your passion, wisdom, knowledge, experience and skills with others.

After completing your education as a cosmetologist and honing your craft during your time spent working on the floor of the salon, you may choose to enter into the world of teaching cosmetology. There are so many prospective cosmetologists looking to work in the beauty field. By becoming an instructor, you can inspire and share your wisdom with those aspiring students and make a positive impact on their lives and futures. These bright, young pupils are looking for someone to guide them in the right direction, and you could be that person. The experience that you've accumulated working as a cosmetologist can help inspire and influence the next generation of beauty pros.

Check into your state's requirements to make sure that you meet the licensing criteria to become a cosmetology instructor. Although each state has its own set of regulations and rules, a majority of states deem it necessary that you have a minimum number of years of experience working as a cosmetologist in a professional setting, in addition to furthering your education and earning your license to instruct. For instance, in the state of Kentucky, you must have your cosmetology license for at least a year, and you must have at least a 12th grade education. Once you meet these standards, you will be able to apply to a cosmetology instructor training program, where you must complete 1,000 hours of training before you're eligible to take the instructor examination. Other states have completely different requirements, so be sure to check!After you've earned your cosmetology instructor license or met the requirements for your particular state, you'll be eligible to teach others the art of beauty. As an instructor, you'll be responsible for teaching students the basics of cosmetology. This is accomplished through both hands-on instruction and a portion taught through books, in a more classroom-like setting. You may have the opportunity to work from home through teaching online courses for advanced continuing education only; however, most opportunities for instructors are in beauty school classrooms or in a more salon-style environment.

Throughout the day, you'll provide students with information about the field, as well as give demonstrations on the different techniques and processes. You'll also watch over the students as they physically perform the tasks and offer critiques and guidance for them to improve their technique. Not only will you teach students about cutting and styling hair or whichever other beauty specialties they pursue (makeup, nail tech, skin care, etc.), but you'll also educate on safety precautions and proper sanitation practices. Before you can teach each lesson though, you'll need to plan it out, so that it follows the guidelines based on your state's curriculum requirements. At the end of their time learning from you, you will have prepared them to successfully take the written and practical cosmetology exams.Have you enjoyed working as a cosmetologist throughout the years? Would love to introduce others to the rewarding experience that you had? If you answered "yes" to these questions, then teaching cosmetology might just be an amazing opportunity for you to further your career and help others in the process.

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