Cosmetology Schools in Wyoming

Browse our directory of cosmetology schools in Wyoming, or skip ahead to learn about the state's cosmetology licensing requirements and job outlook.

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Basics School of Beauty – Accredited

2000 Fairgrounds Road
Casper, WY 82604

Central Wyoming College – Accredited

2660 Peck Avenue
Riverton, WY 82501

Cheeks Beauty Academy - Cheyenne – Accredited

207 West 18 Street
Cheyenne, WY 82001

Chopped Beauty Academy – Accredited

440 Nevada Avenue
Lovell, WY 82431

Eastern Wyoming College – Accredited

3200 West C Street
Torrington, WY 82240

Rocky Mountain Academy of Hair, Skin, and Nails – Accredited

315 East 5th Street
Casper, WY 82601

True Colors Cosmetology – Accredited

1103 East Boxelder Road Suite O
Gillette, WY 82718

Wink Beauty Academy – Accredited

2401 G Avenue
Cody, WY 82414
Accredited School

You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.

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Check out the Cosmetology schools these cities in Wyoming have to offer.

How to Become a Cosmetologist in Wyoming

Wyoming Cosmetology Careers At a Glance
  • 1,600 education hours are required to become licensed.
  • You must renew your license every 2 years.
  • 0 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
  • The average salary for cosmetologists in Wyoming is $30,900 ($14.85/hour). This is higher than the national average of $26,090 ($12.54/hour).
  • There is a predicted 1% job increase between 2016-2026 for cosmetologists. This is lower than the expected national growth of 9%.

From lightening hair and coloring it with a bayalage technique to reshaping hair with shears and thinning razors, cosmetologists have what it takes to completely revitalize a client's appearance.

State License Requirements

1,600 Education Hours

Required to earn a cosmetology license

After training is done, you are nearly there. Your next stop is the Wyoming Board of Cosmetology. They charge a $75 exam fee and a $48 licensing fee. They verify that you have completed at least 1,600 hours of education. You may receive your license after passing your written test and your skills test.

Education Details

Depending on where you live in Wyoming, you may have several beauty schools near you. While comparing programs, you may look at factors like the cost of cosmetology school in Wyoming. However, it's crucial to find a program that fits your learning needs and helps you grow into a confident cosmetologist. Accredited Wyoming schools must devote most of their time to the topics listed below.

Required Subjects at Cosmetology Schools in Wyoming

  • Anatomy and physiology of the scalp and hair
  • Shampooing and conditioning
  • Scalp massage
  • Hair treatments
  • Hair restructuring
  • Coloring and lightening hair
  • Haircutting
  • Hair shaping
  • Hairdressing
  • Wigs and extensions
  • Disinfection, sanitation, and sterilization
  • Nail care and technology
  • Skin care and technology

Within each of the topics listed above, you spend some time on theory and some time on practice. The closer you get to the end of your education, the more time you should spend on practice.

License Renewal

2 Years

License renewal period

0 Hours

Continuing education required

Cosmetology license renewal in Wyoming happens every two years in the month of the licensee's birthday. The cost is $96 to renew licenses for two years. You must also pay a $75 fee if you are working as an independent contractor. Currently, Wyoming does not require cosmetology continuing education hours to renew licenses. However, cosmetology CEUs are always recommended to stay current in the industry.

Wyoming Cosmetology Careers


Average yearly salary for cosmetology in Wyoming

It's exciting to start a career you are passionate about, especially in a growing field like cosmetology. Cosmetologists may put their skills to work in Wyoming salons and spas. Nail shops are another option to consider. As you grow and learn more about this field throughout your career, you may have the chance to find out more about training cosmetology students or managing salons. From 2016 through 2026, demand for cosmetologists may increase 1% in Wyoming (O*Net, 2019). The average salary for a Wyoming cosmetologist is $30,900 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2020).

Cosmetologists are amongst the highest paid in Wyoming compared with the rest of the United States. Prospective cosmetologists can expect to receive training in cutting hair, waxing, nails, and facials. Upon completion of training, cosmetologists in Wyoming must pass an exam and be certified by the Wyoming Board of Cosmetology.

Contact the Wyoming State Board of Cosmetology

Board of Cosmetology

As state projections display an increase in the number of beauty professionals within North Dakota, cosmetology is continuing to be regarded favorably. In that regard, those looking to begin a cosmetology career seek help at these institutions.

Professional Beauty Association


How to Become a Cosmetologist in Your State

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