Cosmetology Teacher Training in Wyoming

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Cheeks Beauty Academy - Cheyenne – Accredited

207 West 18 Street
Cheyenne, WY 82001

True Colors Cosmetology – Accredited

1103 East Boxelder Road Suite O
Gillette, WY 82718

Wink Beauty Academy – Accredited

2401 G Avenue
Cody, WY 82414

How to Become a Cosmetology Teacher in Wyoming

Wyoming Cosmetology Teacher Training At a Glance
  • 100 education hours are required to become licensed.
  • You must renew your license every 2 years.
  • 0 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
  • Average salary for teacher training in Wyoming is $45,720.
  • There is a predicted 6.8% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

You: licensed cosmetologist with quite a bit of experience in the industry and a desire to improve the cosmetology community of Wyoming. Your local beauty community: in need of experienced teachers who are able to teach the influx of new cosmetology students.

By learning about local cosmetology instructor programs in Wyoming, you can discover how to take the next step in your career.

State License Requirements

100 Education Hours

Required to earn a teacher training license

In this state you can become an instructor with 1,000 hours of instructor training, along with your current cosmetology license.

Education Details

While learning how to become a skilled cosmetology teacher, you can plan on reviewing the skills and terminology that you learned in beauty school. This is important because you must know how to reach your students and introduce them to the full breadth of the cosmetology industry. To reach this goal, you may also explore Wyoming cosmetology laws. Even if you follow them every day in your work, you may have forgotten their specific wording and expectations. Teaching techniques are a significant part of your training. You may explore the theory of learning for adult students, find out how different students learn in this field, and study how to offer hands-on instruction with different techniques. In this portion of your education, you may also learn how to offer constructive criticism, praise, and suggestions.

License Renewal

2 Years

License renewal period

0 Hours

Continuing education required

When renewing your application to continue your ability to teach cosmetology in Wyoming, you will work with the Wyoming Board of Cosmetology. In this state you can become an instructor with 1,000 hours of instructor training, along with your current cosmetology license. This state does not require practitioners or instructors to perform continuing education requirements between renewal periods. When renewing your license, you will do so the first year after you receive your license. From there, you will renew every two years. The fee for renewal is currently $96.

Wyoming Teacher Training Careers


Average yearly salary for teacher training in Wyoming

Growth in this industry is very promising in Wyoming, perhaps due to the amount of people going back to school to learn a new skill or trade. From 2012 through 2022, O*Net predicts a 13% increase in vocational teaching jobs in Wyoming. This growth rate is slightly higher than the national average. The average salary in this field is $48,600 per year (O*Net, 2014).

You may be able to put your cosmetology instructor license to work in any of the beauty schools in Wyoming. This job tends to offer a more stable income than other cosmetology careers, since it is not based on tips. Furthermore, you may enjoy a more regular schedule. However, being available to your students after hours can make a real difference in their understanding and their education.

Contact the Wyoming State Board of Cosmetology

Board of Cosmetology
Teacher Training

How to Become a Cosmetology Teacher in Your State

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