Hair Braiding Schools in Kentucky

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Bailey's Institute of Beauty

649 Knox Boulevard
Radcliff, KY 40160

How to Become a Hair Braider in Kentucky

Kentucky Hair Braiding Careers At a Glance
  • Average salary for hair braiding in Kentucky is $24,750.
  • There is a predicted 16.2% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

Are you interest in the age-old art of braiding hair, a skill that originated in Africa and was handed down from generation to generation? Are you great at intricate, detailed work requiring excellent fine-motor coordination? If this describes you, and you would like a unique career in the beauty industry that enables you to help people look and feel attractive, then a career as a hair braider in Kentucky just might be an excellent career choice for you! Hair braiding is an all-natural, chemical free alternative to treatments utilizing caustic chemicals such as hair straightening. It provides an attractive, easy to maintain, and distinctive hair style that lasts a good while.

State License Requirements

N/A Education Hours

Required to earn a hair braiding license

In the state of Kentucky, hair braiders must be licensed as cosmetologists by the Kentucky Board of Hairdressing and Cosmetology. To be eligible for the license, you must complete 1800 hours of study at an accredited school. You can study at one of the many schools of hair dressing and cosmetology throughout the state and earn a certificate, or at a community college, where you would earn a two year associate's degree. Eventually, you will be permitted to work on each other and on live clients. When you have completed the 1800 hours you will be able to sit for the licensing exam which consists of two parts: a theoretical (written) and a practical (skills) part. When you have passed them and paid the fee you will be issued your license which must be renewed each year.

Education Details

In your program, you will study all aspects of hair and skin care. You will learn about normal skin and hair and diseases of both. You can learn the latest techniques for shampooing, conditioning, coloring, highlighting, styling, cutting, perming, and straightening hair as well as braiding it. You can learn the applicable sterilization and sanitation regulations in Kentucky. You will get to observe professionals performing these skills on live people and on people in videos.

Kentucky Hair Braiding Careers


Average yearly salary for hair braiding in Kentucky

In the state of Kentucky, hair dressers, hair stylists, and cosmetologists earned an overall average salary of $20,500 in 2013, the most recent year for which data were available according to O*Net. As a practitioner of a specialty craft, such as hair braiding, you may stand to command a higher fee. Also, as you gain experience and your reputation develops, your fee typically increases as well. Cosmetology is expected to grow between 8% and 14% between 2012 and 2022, meaning that new graduates are likely to be able to find jobs fairly readily in the field.

As a practicing hair braider, you will work one-on-one with individuals, sometimes for lengthy appointments, if they are having hair extensions put in and their entire head braided. This means you will have plenty of opportunity to talk with your clients so active listening skills are a must. You need to be able to hear whatever your client wishes to tell you and maintain your poise and composure. Being discreet is an important quality. Plus, you will be on your feet while you work, so you will need good stamina and high energy. Because you will work primarily by appointment, you will have a certain amount of flexibility in your schedule, although you'll need to make yourself available when your clients wish to see you which is often on weekends and evenings. Some hair braiders decide to open up their own hair braiding studio where they can focus exclusively on providing hair braiding services. This is something a person usually does after they have been practicing for awhile and have a large and loyal client base. As a small business owner, you then have all the responsibilities of running the business, such as finances, ordering supplies, advertising and marketing, and long days, but you get to reap the rewards in terms of higher income.

Contact the Kentucky State Board of Cosmetology

Kentucky Board of Cosmetology

The Bluegrass State is well known for possessing a spirited sense of style from expressive hats at the Kentucky Derby to equally unique hairdos. Hair braiding is fast becoming a popular salon treatment, and aspiring stylists take advantage of these institutions to learn more.

National Interstate Council of State Boards of Cosmetology
Professional Beauty Association

Hair Braiding

How to Become a Hair Braider in Your State

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