Laser Training Schools in Utah

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How to Become a Laser Technician in Utah

Utah Laser Technician Careers At a Glance
  • 0 education hours are required to become licensed.
  • You must renew your license every 3 years.
  • 0 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
  • Average salary for laser training in Utah is $28,070.
  • There is a predicted 34.7% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

There are many skills and techniques that are part of the cosmetology industry, but learning all of them can take years. Furthermore, trying to do well in everything may make it hard for you to develop a reputation for your excellent work in one area. That's why mastering a specific area of cosmetology may help you get referrals, quickly build your business, and create a career that fits your schedule and talents.

Laser training programs in Utah specialize in using laser technology for permanent hair removal. When you graduate from one of these programs, you should know how to safely and efficiently use a laser on any part of the body.

State License Requirements

In addition to your training, you must meet specific licensing requirements before you start working as a laser hair removal technician. The Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing requires all laser facilities to have a medical director who directly supervises procedures. Supervision may be on-site or off-site.

Education Details

The goal of this specialty is to work with clients independently to meet their hair removal needs. However, you do have to meet certain training expectations before you get to that point. Utah programs generally last a matter of weeks, although some schools do allow you to spread your training out over a period of months. Theory is very important, as it teaches you how lasers work, why they work, and how you can communicate effectively with clients.

Your Utah laser hair removal training should cover the following topics and more:

  • Anatomy and physiology of hair and skin
  • Tissue interaction and skin reactions
  • Laser biophysics
  • Treatment protocols
  • Eye protection during laser treatment
  • Skin burns
  • Emergency situations
  • Client assessment pre- and post-treatment
  • Sanitation and sterilization
  • Safety in laser hair removal

The other part of your training is hands-on experience. No amount of reading and theory education can replace the experience you get from actually using a laser. Throughout your training, you may observe your instructor, watch experienced laser technicians, take part in various procedures, and lead a number of procedures with supervision.

License Renewal

3 Years

License renewal period

0 Hours

Continuing education required

To work as a laser tech in the state of Utah, you should enroll in a course or program recognized by the National Council on Laser Certification (NCLC). They are the national organization that sets the standards by which laser technologists operate and deliver care. If you work as an esthetician or nurse, or a practitioner in a related field, consider training and registering with the NCLC to qualify for work in Utah. If you register, you will need to renew every three years. You can do so by submitting this application, along with a payment of $95.

Utah Laser Training Careers


Average yearly salary for laser training in Utah

Upon completion of your training, you can begin looking for job openings. Spas and salons are likely the two most prominent employers of laser hair removal technicians. Some medical settings do employ technicians, but these positions tend to require more experience. Across Utah, the average salary for a skin care specialist is $28,070 per year (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). Between 2012 and 2022, demand for skin care specialists may increase 57% in Utah (O*Net, 2016).

Hair removal and skin care technicians have many diverse job options. A technician may work in a spa. Utah is teeming with salons and spas that could benefit from a trained technician's services. A technician could also work in the medical field or become an entrepreneur. Statistics support a positive job outlook for trained hair removal and skin care technicians who live in Utah.

Contact the Utah State Board of Cosmetology

Utah Department of Commerce Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
Laser Training

How to Become a Laser Hair Removal Technician in Your State

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