Makeup Artistry Schools in District of Columbia

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How to Become a Makeup Artist in District of Columbia

District of Columbia Makeup Artist Careers At a Glance
  • The average salary for makeup artists in Washington DC is $51,347 ($24.69/hour). This is higher than the national average of $43,658 ($20.99/hour).
  • There is a predicted 12% job increase between 2016-2026 for cosmetologists, including makeup artists. This is higher than the expected national growth of 9%.

Being a makeup artist is a career that can take you in many diverse directions. You may apply makeup for the general public, or specialize in media and apply makeup for individuals appearing on television, which is a frequent happening in DC where politicians are often needing to look their best.

You may do makeup for special events, such as weddings, photo shoots, or fashion shows. If you like working with people and helping them to look their best, and wish to find a fulfilling career in the beauty industry, a career as a makeup artist in DC may be a great option for you!

State License Requirements

To practice makeup artistry in DC, it is not necessary to be licensed as a cosmetologist. However, if you are considering practicing in any other related area, such as skin care, it will be necessary for you to be licensed. To receive a cosmetology license in the District of Columbia, you will need to complete 1500 hours of study at an accredited cosmetology school.

Education Details

Makeup artistry programs are offered in several venues. Schools of cosmetology and hairdressing usually offer makeup as a specialty area. There may also be free-standing schools that teach makeup artistry. Some community colleges offer certificate and associate's degree in cosmetology, and may have a specialty in makeup artistry. And some of the larger cosmetics houses and bigger beauty salons offer their own training programs. Programs may range in length from a few days to a year or longer, if you are studying for a degree in cosmetology from a community college. The basic curriculum of makeup artistry school will teach you about pigments and colors and their selection as well as the application of cosmetics. You will learn about makeup application for film, television, and stage, for photo shoots, fashion shoots, and body art. There will be courses that teach you about professionalism and about the sanitary and health regulations relevant to the industry in the District of Columbia. After completing your coursework, you will need to take a test consisting of both a theoretical (written) part and a practical part, in which you demonstrate your ability to apply makeup for various settings. If you are seeking an aesthetician's license, you will need to complete 600 hours of schooling.

License Renewal

If you want to apply makeup professionally at a spa or salon in DC, then you'll need to earn your cosmetology license. This type of program will generally give you a solid makeup artist education, along with hair, skincare and nail courses. These additional skills can come in handy when you are applying for salon work. If you earn your esthetician's license in DC, you will need to renew it through the Board of Barber and Cosmetology and you'll pay $105.

District of Columbia Makeup Artistry Careers


Average yearly salary for makeup artistry in District of Columbia

To practice makeup artistry in DC, it is not necessary to be licensed as a cosmetologist. However, if you are considering practicing in any other related area, such as skin care, it will be necessary for you to be licensed. To receive a cosmetology license in the District of Columbia, you will need to complete 1500 hours of study at an accredited cosmetology school. According to statistics reported by O*Net, the average salary earned by hairdressers and cosmetologists in 2020, the most recent year for which statistics are available, was $51,347 in the District of Columbia, considerably higher than the average $43,658 earned that year nationwide. Of course, the District of Columbia is home to many national figures in the political arena who need to look their best for the many events they attend as well as television appearances. Thus, there may be a higher than average call for the skills of makeup artists in this location. The field of hairdressing and cosmetology is expected to grow about 12% between 2016 and 2026, making the employment outlook for new graduates and experienced makeup artists looking to move up in the industry a good one.

Where you practice your makeup artistry skills and goals for a particular makeup application will determine what your day looks like. Some makeup artists apply makeup for particular cosmetics lines at department and specialty stores. They may be expected to sell cosmetics along with giving clients makeovers and updating their looks. Others apply makeup at beauty salons and spas. If you have an area of specialty, such as makeup for television, or for fashion photography, you will need to ply your wares on site, and will be expected to travel to the location where you are needed. This is true for those who specialize in wedding makeup, as well. Because your work will be one-to-one with individual clients, you will have some flexibility in your scheduling, although you will have to accommodate the scheduling needs of your clients which will undoubtedly mean some weekend and evening work. It is possible to work either full or part time as a makeup artist. In between seeing individual clients, you will need to clean and freshen your work station and your tools in preparation for the next client. If you are interested in a career in the beauty industry that gives you a considerable number of options as to where and with whom to work, and you love helping people to look and feel their best, consider a career in makeup artistry in the District of Columbia!

Contact the District of Columbia State Board of Cosmetology

Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
Make-Up Artist Training
District of Columbia

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