Cosmetology Teacher Training in South Dakota

Browse our directory of cosmetology teacher schools in South Dakota, or skip ahead to learn about the state's teacher licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Cosmetology Teacher in South Dakota

South Dakota Cosmetology Teacher Training At a Glance
  • 1,012 education hours are required to become licensed.
  • You must renew your license every 1 year.
  • 12 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
  • Average salary for teacher training in South Dakota is $50,540.
  • There is a predicted 10.5% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

If you want to jump into a role as a cosmetology instructor in South Dakota, we are ready to help you rock the salon scene. Schools such as Desaree and Company have instructor programs designed for current beauty professionals. Their programs includes courses that help you learn how to design lesson plans, be a leader, and identify the strengths and weaknesses of your students, so you can help them work towards their true potential. No matter what kind of instructor you want to become, it all starts with the right education.

So why are we the authority on schools that offer cosmetology teacher training programs? In the past several years, we have helped over two million students like you find and compare the best beauty school programs in your area. Just use the search above or check out the beauty school listings below to figure out what programs are appealing to you. In a matter of months, you can step to the head of the class and inspire the next generation of cosmetology students to live their dreams too!

State License Requirements

1,012 Education Hours

Required to earn a teacher training license

Cosmetology License + 1000 Hours Work Experience + 1000 Hours Training + 12 Hours Instructor Education

Junior Cosmetology Instructor License + Attend Commission's Instructor Seminar

Education Details

Before you make the decision to enroll in a South Dakota cosmetology teacher training program, you need to look at all the programs and courses available to you. To become a great teacher you will need to understand how to execute the most effective teaching methods geared towards all types of students and learning styles. It's also essential to know the regulations and laws that apply to South Dakota cosmetology teachers.

South Dakota teacher training topics

  • Student assessment
  • Learning styles
  • Teaching methods
  • Student retention

License Renewal

1 Year

License renewal period

12 Hours

Continuing education required

In South Dakota, the fees for renewing your cosmetology instructor license are $20, and paid to the South Dakota Cosmetology Commission. The fees are due by your birthday every year. South Dakota also requires instructors to complete 12 hours of continuing education courses to stay current every year. These courses are Board approved and will help you maintain your skills in teaching, cosmetology and adhere to the policies and regulations set forth by the board. You can qualify for the exam and requirements with 2,100 school hours.

South Dakota Teacher Training Careers


Average yearly salary for teacher training in South Dakota

Beauty school instructors work with students to help prepare them for exciting careers in the beauty industry. Instructors often specializing in a certain area, including nails, hair, makeup, tanning and more. To become a beauty school instructor in South Dakota, an individual must obtain a secondary education degree and have extensive experience in their field. There are currently over 116,000 people employed as instructors across the country with an annual salary of $49,470. Some exceptional beauty schools in South Dakota include:

Contact the South Dakota State Board of Cosmetology

South Dakota Cosmetology Commission
Teacher Training
South Dakota

How to Become a Cosmetology Teacher in Your State

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