Hair Schools in Montana

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How to Become a Hair Designer in Montana

Montana Hair Design Careers At a Glance
  • 2,000 education hours are required to become licensed.
  • You must renew your license every 2 years.
  • 30 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
  • The average salary for cosmetologists in Montana is $23,570 ($11.33/hour). This is lower than the national average of $26,090 ($12.54/hour).
  • There is a predicted 14% job increase between 2016-2026 for cosmetologists. This is higher than the expected national growth of 9%.

When someone wants to make an immediate and decisive change in their appearance, what do they do first? They cut, dye, or otherwise alter their hair.

By studying hair design in Montana, you can learn how to do some of the most popular hair design techniques in the industry and meet the needs of clients all over the state.

State License Requirements

2,000 Education Hours

Required to earn a hair design license

To work as a hair designer, you must meet the licensing standards of the Montana Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists. Montana has some of the most stringent licensing requirements in the country - aspiring cosmetologists must complete 2,000 hours of training at an approved cosmetology school before applying for licensure.

Education Details

In the early stages of your education, you may learn about human anatomy, how skin and hair grow, and ways in which to minimize the risk of infection in a salon setting. This part of your training may also cover cosmetology laws and standards. Once you've demonstrated your knowledge in these areas, you can start tackling hands-on skills. Once you move into the practical component of your education, you can learn how to cut hair, dye hair, use chemical processing techniques, and style hair for various events. This requires you to work with clients under the supervision of your instructor. In addition to hair design, cosmetology programs in Montana cover nail technology, skin care, and makeup application.

License Renewal

2 Years

License renewal period

30 Hours

Continuing education required

If you want to become a hair designer in Montana, then you'll need to meet the cosmetology training requirements and obtain that form of licensure. Once you do, you will be required to renew it every other year, with a March 1st deadline. The renewal fee is currently $80. With a cosmetology program, you can acquire additional skills that help you land new clients and qualify for more salon positions. When you speak with schools about cosmetology training, ask how they connect you with prospective employers!

Montana Hair Design Careers


Average yearly salary for hair design in Montana

One of the main benefits of working in the cosmetology field is the wide range of salaries you can earn. Though you may start out on the low end of the pay scale, you may ramp up your earnings as you build a reputation, get a loyal customer base, and develop your skills. O*Net reports that the average salary for a cosmetologist in Montana is $23,570 per year. Part of your income may come from a base salary, while the rest may come from tips. Because of this, keeping your schedule book full can boost your income. Job growth in this field is not expected to change much in Montana. Between 2016 and 2026, O*Net anticipates a 14% jump in cosmetology jobs. By building your skill base and bringing unique skills to your styling chair, you can have a positive impact on your own job outlook.

Hair design is one career where you can use your creativity, your people skills, and your energy to make every day on the job a great one. Hair designers may be employed in a variety of settings, typically salons and spas. The hours you keep depend on which salon you work for and which demographic group you serve - some people can only get to the salon on weekends or in the evenings, which may require you to work non-traditional work hours. This makes this a career that is well-suited to those with families and other obligations. Cosmetology is growing in popularity as a career field, with many experts realizing that cosmetology school is a great alternative to four-year degree programs. You build a strong base of skills in cosmetology school - from there, it's up to you to build up your skills, explore your abilities, and find out what your customers want from you. If you like to change up your work duties from day to day, you'll likely enjoy being a hair designer. One day, you may see just a couple clients for perms and hair coloring. The next, you may do nothing but cut hair and give trims. Your daily schedule depends on what your customers want, what services you book, and how full your schedule is.

Contact the Montana State Board of Cosmetology

Montana Department of Labor and Industry

Montana is in the midst of a significant boost to its hair care industry in the state in recent years. New horizons have led to others being intrigued in hair design as a new career. As a result, most look towards these organizations for data.

National Accrediting Commission of Arts & Sciences
Professional Beauty Association

Hair Design

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