Laser Training Schools in North Carolina

Browse our directory of laser training schools in North Carolina, or skip ahead to learn about the state's laser training licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Laser Technician in North Carolina

North Carolina Laser Technician Careers At a Glance
  • You must renew your license every 3 years.
  • Average salary for laser training in North Carolina is $33,760.
  • There is a predicted 16.4% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

In the past, people with excessive or rapid hair growth had to spend hours shaving, waxing, or using depilatories every week. Thanks to the ongoing improvement in the beauty industry, people can now get better, longer lasting, and more efficient results with laser hair removal. This service is popular across the United States, with many North Carolina spas and salons offering this service. If you're interested in starting a beauty career in a popular specialty, North Carolina laser training schools may provide you with the skills you need to get started.

State License Requirements

When this step is finished, there's a bit more you have to do to become a laser technician. Laser hair removal is considered a medical procedure in North Carolina, so it is regulated by the North Carolina Medical Board. The North Carolina Medical Board requires all laser hair removal procedures to be supervised by a physician. The physician at a laser facility may assign a hair removal task to any medical or non-medical individual employed at the facility. The physician must simply verify that the individual has adequate training and experience. To meet this requirement, you may need to go through additional training at your place of employment before you begin working independently.

Education Details

The training you complete as an aspiring laser technician has a big influence on your future career, so it's important to choose a school that offers high-quality education. In general, North Carolina laser training programs are significantly shorter than programs in other cosmetology specialties. You may be able to complete your education in a matter of weeks.

Compare each school's curriculum and look for topics like:

  • Treatment parameters
  • Patient selection
  • Treatment protocols
  • Laser safety
  • Hair removal techniques
  • Complications and contraindications
  • Hands-on experience
  • Laser hair removal risks

Hands-on experience is one of the most important parts of becoming a laser technician. Without hands-on experience, you are unable to work with patients after graduation. Ensure that you select a school that allows you to participate in multiple procedures on different parts of the body.

License Renewal

3 Years

License renewal period

0 Hours

Continuing education required

In North Carolina, you will want to take a course or program for laser training that is recognized by the National Council on Laser Certification (NCLC). They set the standards for qualifications that are recognized throughout the nation by medical doctors, and patients who receive their care. If you are a nurse, esthetician, or other professional in a related area, then you should complete your training and register with this organization. Once you do, you will need to renew your registration every three years by submitting this application and a $95 fee.

North Carolina Laser Training Careers


Average yearly salary for laser training in North Carolina

Depending on where you live in North Carolina, you may have a number of job options to consider. Many salons and spas offer laser hair removal to clients. However, you may also look into medical facilities. Some medical facilities provide permanent hair removal to patients with hormone imbalances or disorders. In this case, your work would be more medical in nature than cosmetic in nature. By the year 2022, job openings for North Carolina skin care specialists may increase 36% (O*Net, 2016). Salaries vary, but the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the average salary for a North Carolina skin care specialist is $33,760 per year (2016).

The Job Outlook for a Laser Technologist in North Carolina appears to have lots of room for growth. Laser Technologists can expect little to no competition in the North Carolina market. With a location quotient of 0.74 and an average annual wage of $33,760, North Carolina is considered to have a lower employment level for this occupation, hence the need for more people, as well as owners, in this industry.

Contact the North Carolina State Board of Cosmetology

North Carolina State Board of Cosmetic Art Examiners
Laser Training
North Carolina

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