Cosmetology Schools Near Montgomery / Selma

If you want to become a cosmetologist in Alabama, consider Montgomery or nearby Selma as places to begin. In the area, there are over 80 wedding venues, several theaters (such as Cloverdale Playhouse and the Montgomery Performing Arts Center), and a plethora of spas—providing you with a diverse set of clients you could help look their best.

Cosmetologists in Montgomery earned a mean salary of $25,360 ($12.19 per hour) in 2019. There is no data available for the mean pay in Selma, but the average pay across the state was $24,380 ($11.72). Jobs for cosmetologists across Alabama are expected to grow by 8% between 2016 and 2026.

Cosmetologists in Alabama must complete 1,500 training hours or 3,000 hours of an apprenticeship, plus pass two exams, to become licensed in Alabama. If you go the training route, the schools below could help you get your training hours and prepare you for your exams.

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Program: Cosmetology

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Cosmetology Schools Near You

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Find Cosmetology Schools Near You

Central Alabama Community College

1675 Cherokee Road
Alexander City, AL 36606

Fortis College

3736 Atlanta Highway
Montgomery, AL 35903

George C Wallace State Community College

3000 Earl Goodwin Parkway
Selma, AL 36108

J.F. Ingram State Technical College - Brent – Accredited

565 Bibb Lane
Brent, AL 35034

J.F. Ingram State Technical College - Elmore – Accredited

2800 Alabama Highway 143
Elmore, AL 36025

J.F. Ingram State Technical College - Wetumpka – Accredited

8970 U.S. Highway 231 North
Wetumpka, AL 36092

Transitions Technical College – Accredited

6005 Monticello Drive
Montgomery, AL 35401

Troy School of Cosmetology – Accredited

107 West Madison Street
Troy, AL 36081
Accredited School

You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.

Find Other Cosmetology Schools in Alabama

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