Esthetician Schools near Cincinnati, OH
Cincinnati, Ohio, could be the perfect place to become an esthetician. To begin with, the average pay estheticians received in 2018 was $37,650 per year, or $18.10 per hour; this significantly higher pay than the state and national averages. Additionally, the state is anticipating a 13% growth in job openings between 2016 and 2026. Cincinnati residents also need the help of excellent estheticians. In a 2016 study of the 150 major metros, Cincinnati ranked 120th in terms of skin health and care. As estheticians focus on exactly these issues, you could help them move up that list by providing excellent client care.
Estheticians in Ohio must complete 600 hours of training, plus 16 hours focusing on microdermabrasion. The schools below all provide this experience, plus prepare you for the required exams.
Program: Cosmetology
Program: Cosmetology
Program: Cosmetology
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Esthetician Schools Near You
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Aveda Fredric’s Institute Cincinnati – Accredited
West Chester, OH 45069
Cincinnati Institute of Esthetics and Nails – Accredited
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Renew Image Advanced Esthetics & Training Center
Liberty Townshp, OH 45069
You must attend a school that meets any licensure requirements as defined by your state. Most states require that you graduate from an accredited or state-approved school.
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