Permanent Makeup Schools in New Hampshire

Browse our directory of permanent makeup schools in New Hampshire, or skip ahead to learn about the state's permanent makeup licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Permanent Makeup Artist in New Hampshire

New Hampshire Permanent Makeup Artistry Careers At a Glance
  • The average salary for permanent makeup artists in New Hampshire is $66,348 ($31.90/hour). This is higher than the national average of $55,093 ($26.49/hour).
  • There is a predicted 13% job increase between 2016-2026 for skincare specialists, including permanent makeup artists. This is higher than the expected national growth of 11%.

Not only is applying makeup inconvenient, it is downright difficult for some people. The aging process can make makeup application much more tedious, and certain medical conditions cause shakiness in a person's hands.

The field of permanent makeup is here to help.

State License Requirements

Before offering permanent makeup services in New Hampshire, you must become licensed as a body art practitioner. You must submit proof of your hepatitis B vaccinations and completion of a course in sterilization. You are required to undergo a 1,500-hour apprenticeship to become a body art practitioner. When submitting your application, you must pay $150 for your initial practitioner license.

Education Details

As a permanent makeup student, you'll learn how to use tattoo needles for cosmetic reasons and for camouflage reasons. That is to say, you'll learn how to create the effect of makeup on different parts of the body, but you'll also learn how to disguise burns, cuts, scars, and other blemishes with the use of pigments and tattooing techniques.

License Renewal

Cosmetology license renewal in New Hampshire happens every two years in the licensee's birth month. You must have submitted your renewal application by the last day of your birth month. The cost to renew a beauty practitioner's license is $40. Currently, 28 hours of cosmetology continuing education is required for cosmetology instructors during each licensure period. Though continuing education is not required for most other beauty practitioners' licenses, cosmetology CEUs are always recommended to stay current in the industry.

New Hampshire Permanent Makeup Careers


Average yearly salary for permanent makeup in New Hampshire

All over New England, the need for skin care specialists is on the rise. By the year 2026, the demand for permanent makeup artists may increase by 13% in New Hampshire (CareerOneStop, 2020). Currently, the median income for this field is $66,348 per year (ZipRecruiter, 2020).

Permanent makeup is slightly different from other cosmetology specialties in terms of where you can work. Any place that hires a permanent makeup artist must have a tattooing license in the state of New Hampshire. This may mean that you see more job openings at tattoo parlors than at salons. This may change as permanent makeup is requested more at salons and spas. If you would rather work for yourself, you can rent a room at a tattoo parlor or salon, get your tattooing license, and set your own rates.

Contact the New Hampshire State Board of Permanent Makeup

New Hampshire Office of Professional Licensure and Certification

Even though continuing education may not be a required part of maintaining your license, you may still wish to take advantage of local training events for the sake of your career, which you can find through the Board's website. For aspiring makeup artists in New Hampshire, there is a need to acquire certain skills that will allow them to flourish within the beauty care establishment in the state. Since permanent makeup is stepping forth as one of them, those interested look towards these groups for information.

New Hampshire Board of Barbering, Cosmetology & Esthetics
Professional Beauty Association
Professional Beauty Federation

Permanent Make-Up
New Hampshire

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