Electrology Schools in Maine

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How to Become a Electrologist in Maine

Maine Electrology Careers At a Glance
  • Average salary for electrology in Maine is $32,550.
  • There is a predicted 2.70% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

Electrology is perhaps the most unique of the specialities taught in cosmetology and hair dressing schools, among other places. While it is usually performed as a beauty procedure at spas and salons, it also has aspects of a medical procedure. Electrology is the process of having unwanted hair removed from a facial or body part. It utilizes special procedures involving electricity that kills off the hair root, making it impossible for the individual hair that has been treated to grow back. A course of electrology can last weeks, months, or sometimes years, depending upon the size of the area being treated and the density of the hair being removed. It is a very personal and private procedure, and it requires trust between the client and the practitioner. Thus, good interpersonal skills are critical, along with an ability to behave professionally and discretely. This requires a high level of maturity. If you are seeking a career in the beauty industry, but would like to do something that truly benefits people's lives and helps them to feel better about themselves, becoming an electrologist in Maine just may be a great career option for you!

State License Requirements

The Maine Department of Health and Human Services issues licenses to practice electrolysis. To be eligible to take the licensing exam, you must submit a notarized statement that you have completed at least 600 hours of training at an accredited institution. You must be 17 years old or older, and have a high school diploma or equivalent.

Education Details

There are three types of electrolysis that are typically performed. These are galvanic, thermolytic, and blend. Galvanic uses a probe that applies an electric current to the hair follicle, creating a chemical reaction that kills the hair root and prevents regrowth. Thermolytic utilizes radio waves to kill the hair at the follicle. Blend is a combination of both techniques, with advantages of both. Some electrologists also do laser hair removal, which is not technically an electrolytic technique, but which is increasingly used to remove unwanted hair. There are several accredited programs in electrology in the state of Maine. Most are offered in schools of cosmetology and hair dressing, but it may also be offered at some community colleges which offer a two year Associate's degree. In all of these programs, you will learn about the physiology of skin and hair and diseases of both. You'll study the endocrine and nervous systems, and how these affect hair growth. You'll practice using the electrolysis equipment and learn about the three electrolysis techniques and possibly also about laser hair removal. Courses will show you how to prepare a client for a treatment, and care for them after it is over. You'll find out how to reduce pain, how to light your workstation properly for treatment, and how to handle clients professionally, as well as some of the aspects of the business of practicing electrology.

License Renewal

In Maine, electrology is regulated by the state. This means that you need to be mindful of the application and renewal process to maintain your license in good standing. After completing your required 600 hours of training and education, you can apply for licensure. The registration process in Maine is spelled out in this document from their Department of Human Services. Your registration is valid for one year after you register. The fee for registering every year with the state is $50 – and is required for all practitioners.

Maine Electrology Careers


Average yearly salary for electrology in Maine

Skincare specialists in the state of Maine earned an average of $24,200 in 2013, the most recent year for which such statistics are available according to O*Net. However, electrolysis is very much a specialty skill, and it may be possible to command a higher fee. Good growth is projected for the field, meaning that jobs should be available to new graduates.

Most electrologists start out working at a spa or salon, usually in a private room or area. Some electrologists may work in medical offices, offering their services to patients in that practice. There are also free-standing electrolysis studios that perform nothing but electrolysis. Because electrolysis is a time consuming process that takes place over a course of sessions, electrologists get to know their clients fairly well. They need to be good listeners, and show considerable empathy to someone who is struggling with an embarrassing physical condition. Maturity is key. In between seeing clients, electrologists must clean and sterilize their equipment and ready their work station for the next client. You may also need to prepare invoices and bill third party payers, such as insurance companies. Electrolysis is the field in the beauty industry that comes closest to being a medical procedure. If you would like a career in beauty that offers you the opportunity to make a real difference in people's lives, and gives you the potential for opening your own electrolysis studio at some point in time, then a career as an electrologist in Maine may be the perfect career option for you!

Contact the Maine State Board of Cosmetology

Office of Professional and Financial Regulation

New Englanders appreciate fine beauty treatments like everyone else in professional settings. Their salons offer a diverse array of services including electrology. Being that it’s a treatment done by experts, many who pursue it rely on these institutions.

Maine Directory and Licensing Services
Electrology Institute Of N.E.
American Institute of Education


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