Electrology Schools in New Hampshire

Browse our directory of electrology schools in New Hampshire, or skip ahead to learn about the state's electrology licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Electrologist in New Hampshire

New Hampshire Electrology Careers At a Glance
  • Average salary for electrology in New Hampshire is $29,750.
  • There is a predicted 13.50% job increase between 2012 - 2022.

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State License Requirements

In order to legally perform electrolysis in New Hampshire, you must get your license through the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services. They have extremely stringent licensing requirements for electrologists. You must complete a program that includes at least 1,100 hours of education. From there, you take the New Hampshire electrology exam and get your license. Every two years, you must complete 10 hours of continuing education and renew your license.

Education Details

Your electrology training program should be extensive and thorough. After learning about the safety requirements of this profession, you may start learning about the myriad techniques. Commonly taught techniques include the single needle method, the multiple needle method, thermolysis, and the blended method. Hands-on practice is a significant part of your electrology education. Instructors may cover proper ways to prepare skin for electrolysis and consult with clients prior to a procedure.

License Renewal

Since New Hampshire regulates electrology professionals, you’ll need to go through the application and renewal process to maintain your credentials. NH requires a minimum of 1,100 training hours, and you must pass the practical exam and the American Electrology written exam. When you renew your license, you must include proof of 10 continuing education hours. These will cover such topics as infection control and sanitation. Here is a link to the renewal form, which includes a $110 fee.

New Hampshire Electrology Careers


Average yearly salary for electrology in New Hampshire

There are many benefits to starting a career in the growing field of electrology. Between 2012 and 2022, O*Net predicts a 39% increase in skin care specialist jobs (O*Net, 2012). One of the advantages of working in New Hampshire is the promising salary range. O*Net reports that the average salary for a skin care specialist in New Hampshire is $42,800 per year, which is almost $15,000 higher than the national average (O*Net, 2013).

When you become an electrologist, you may be amazed to see how many people can use your services. This is a surprisingly common issue for men and women. When you help these clients, you can feel good knowing that you are giving them the freedom to feel good about themselves and enjoy their lives. Many electrology clinics have started seeing clients for therapeutic electrolysis purposes. Clients may come to see you if they have skin problems, many of which may be improved by electrolysis. With the professional skills you possess, you may even be able to start your own electrolysis clinic and become your own boss.

Contact the New Hampshire State Board of Cosmetology

New Hampshire Office of Professional Licensure and Certification

Even though continuing education may not be a required part of maintaining your license, you may still wish to take advantage of local training events for the sake of your career, which you can find through the Board's website. Being an electrologist allows an individual to craft an eclectic career path. They can work in a salon or begin their own small business. Given that electrology has become a part of New Hampshire’s burgeoning economy, interested parties can find out more with these resources.

New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
Electrology Institute of N.E.
American Institute of Education

New Hampshire

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