Makeup Artistry Schools in Louisiana

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How to Become a Makeup Artist in Louisiana

Louisiana Makeup Artist Careers At a Glance
  • 40 education hours are required to become licensed.
  • You must renew your license every year.
  • 0 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
  • The average salary for makeup artists in Louisiana is $46,966 ($22.58/hour). This is lower than the national average of $47,917 ($23.04/hour).
  • There is a predicted 11% job increase between 2016 – 2026 for cosmetologists, including makeup artists. This is higher than the expected national growth of 9%.

A career as a makeup artist actually gives you a considerable amount of flexibility. Makeup artists are needed to apply makeup and wigs to alter appearances before stage and film performances, and to make television personalities appear their best. They apply makeup for fashion and photo shoots and runway shows, in accordance with the vision of the clothing designer. They apply makeup to bridal parties on wedding days. And, of course, they apply makeup to women in department stores, spas, and beauty salons.

In New Orleans, they apply makeup to people participating in Mardi Gras to create certain looks. They may also give makeup lessons, showing women how to apply certain looks. And they may help people who have certain facial or skin flaws due to injury, illness, surgery or other treatments. If these options are appealing to you, and you have an artistic flair, a career as a makeup artist in Louisiana may be a good option for you.

State License Requirements

40 Education Hours

Required to earn a makeup artistry license

The state of Louisiana requires that makeup artists be licensed in order to practice. To meet the licensing requirements, you must complete at least nine days of training in an accredited program. You must be at least sixteen years of age and have completed tenth grade.

Education Details

Training in makeup artistry takes many forms and is offered at different places. Schools of hair dressing, hair styling, and cosmetology routinely offer makeup artistry programs. Some of the large cosmetics manufacturers also train makeup artists to use their particular line of cosmetics. Salons may offer workshops or seminars. Depending upon what you are wanting, training may take as short as a few hours or a weekend, or as long as a few weeks or months. Specialty makeup training, such as makeup for stage and theater, may take longer. In your program, you will study fundamentals of makeup application, techniques and tools for makeup application, selection of colors and pigments to flatter different face shapes and eye, skin, and hair color. You will learn about cleaning and sanitizing your tools and pigments. You will be introduced to television, film, and stage makeup application. You may learn body art, photo shoot and fashion makeup, makeup for special events such as weddings. You'll learn about professional etiquette and some aspects of running your own freelance makeup artistry business.

License Renewal

1 Year

License renewal period

0 Hours

Continuing education required

Since Louisiana has a separate makeup permit application and requirement, you can avoid having to take an esthetician or cosmetology program, as other states require. In Louisiana, you'll pay a $25 fee to get your permit, and the same amount when you renew every year by your birthday. If you want to own your own salon one day, you may want to pursue a cosmetology license. Or if you would also like to give facials and other skin care services, compare esthetician programs while you're making a decision.

Louisiana Makeup Artistry Careers


Average yearly salary for makeup artistry in Louisiana

Makeup artists in Louisiana earn an average salary of $46,966 (ZipRecruiter, 2020). Of course, what you can expect to earn will vary depending upon the specific type of makeup artistry you practice. Specialty makeup artists, such as those who apply makeup for participants of Mardi Gras, and for fashion and photo shoots will tend to earn more than individuals who apply makeup in department stores or beauty salons. The projected growth for cosmetologists is anticipated to be about 11% from 2012 to 2022, meaning that it should be possible to find jobs in the field.

Contact the Louisiana State Board of Cosmetology

Louisiana Board of Cosmetology
Make-Up Artist Training

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