Makeup Artistry Schools in Nebraska

Browse our directory of makeup artistry schools in Nebraska, or skip ahead to learn about the state's makeup artistry licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Makeup Artist in Nebraska

Nebraska Makeup Artist Careers At a Glance
  • The average salary for makeup artists in Nebraska is $50,922 ($24.48/hour). This is higher than the national average of $43,658 ($20.99/hour).
  • There is a predicted 8% job increase between 2016-2026 for cosmetologists, including makeup artists. This is lower than the expected national growth of 9%.

Makeup has changed a lot in the last decade, and it continues to become more creative and innovative every year.

If you're interested in exploring your creativity and providing in-demand services to a range of clients, you may want to learn more about makeup artist training in Nebraska. Contact the schools on our site for more information.

State License Requirements

To apply makeup professionally in Nebraska, you must become licensed as a cosmetician. There are no specific training hour requirements. You must simply provide proof that you have been trained in the chemical properties of the cosmetics you’ll be applying and that you understand how to apply cosmetics appropriately. Once your registration has been approved, you receive a cosmetician license that is good for two years.

Education Details

Makeup artistry is a field that is not licensed or regulated at all in Nebraska, so you do not have to select a specific type of school or complete a certain amount of hours to start calling yourself a makeup artist. Rather, decide which skills are important to you in your career and select a school that teaches those skills. When you begin your makeup artist training in Nebraska, you may learn about color theory and makeup tools. Color theory teaches you how to choose the right colors for a client's coloring, a client's event or needs, and the season. As you explore the tools used in makeup careers, you may discover who to use each tool to achieve different effects in makeup. Once you've mastered the basics of makeup application, you may start learning how to apply cosmetics for special occasions. This may cover wedding makeup, makeup for the stage, and makeup for the screen. Some schools in Nebraska even teach airbrush makeup, a growing trend in the United States. Hands-on experience is a big part of this type of education. You may work on mannequin faces before working with real clients.

License Renewal

If you earn your esthetician's license in Nebraska, you will need to understand the renewal process. This takes place in even-numbered years by December 31st - $118 fee.

Nebraska Makeup Artistry Careers


Average yearly salary for makeup artistry in Nebraska

One of the benefits of working in makeup artistry is the many ways you can shape your career. With this freedom comes the chance to essentially determine your earning potential. If you become self-employed, you can earn more simply by setting your rates higher or taking on more clients. If you work for a company, being flexible in your hours may help you earn more money. In Nebraska, the average salary for a makeup artist is $50,922 per year (ZipRecruiter, 2020). The job outlook for cosmetology professionals, including makeup artists, is relatively stable in Nebraska. Per CareerOneStop, job openings in this field are expected to increase by 8% through 2026. Job openings may increase more rapidly in urban parts of Nebraska, where people often go for special events or beauty needs.

Becoming a makeup artist can help you explore many different techniques and career options. You may get to further your education with training courses and seminars. For example, Kim Kardashian's makeup artist has taught beauty enthusiasts about the power of contouring. Offering this skill to your clients may help you build your client base. You may work in many different settings and a range of hours as a makeup artist. Makeup artists are often hired by department stores, specialty cosmetic stores, and salons. If you're motivated to work for yourself, you may even choose to become a freelance makeup artist. As you develop your skills and become familiar with different cosmetic products that are on the market, you may find that there's a need in the market that you can fill. Makeup artist Mercedes Porredon used her knowledge as a makeup artist to develop an organic lip scrub that comes in a variety of flavors. As you build a reputation and learn your market, you may be able to create cosmetics that reshape the market.

Contact the Nebraska State Board of Cosmetology

Department of Health and Human Services
Make-Up Artist Training

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