Permanent Makeup Schools in Mississippi

Browse our directory of permanent makeup schools in Mississippi, or skip ahead to learn about the state's permanent makeup licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Permanent Makeup Artist in Mississippi

Mississippi Permanent Makeup Artistry Careers At a Glance
  • The average salary for permanent makeup artists in Mississippi is $54,369 ($26.14/hour). This is lower than the national average of $55,093 ($26.49/hour).
  • There is a predicted 11% job increase for skincare specialists, including permanent makeup artists between 2018-2028 nationally.

Permanent makeup is a procedure that has exploded in popularity over the last few years, leading to an increase in demand for skilled, experienced permanent makeup artists.

If you're ready to learn how to work in one of the hottest specialties in cosmetology, keep reading to learn more about permanent makeup schools in Mississippi.

State License Requirements

Though permanent makeup artistry is a beauty career, it is not regulated by the Mississippi State Board of Cosmetology. Actually, you must get licensed by the Mississippi State Department of Health before you begin your career. This involves passing a test on sanitation and hygiene procedures in Mississippi.

Education Details

As you look over the curriculum for your permanent makeup program in Mississippi, you may be surprised to see how much you can learn. Early in your course, you may cover the theory of permanent makeup applications. Topics covered included client consultation, safety and health requirements, minimizing the risk of infection, and client preparation. At this point, the rest of your education focuses on properly using permanent makeup techniques, the right colors for your clients, and making the best use of your tools. You may learn about color and pigment theory, as it's a slightly different topic when you're doing permanent makeup. You also practice the application techniques used in various procedures, giving you the confidence you need to work with clients.

License Renewal

To work as a permanent makeup artist in Mississippi, you will need to earn your tattoo artist license first. Once you do this, you will need to renew it on an annual basis, no later than May 31st of every year. The cost to renew is broken down by application and number of registrants in the facility. The application fee is $150, plus an additional $150 per registration. So, if you own your business, and you are the only worker, your renewal feel is $300 total. Now it's time to speak with schools about your path to success.

Mississippi Permanent Makeup Careers


Average yearly salary for permanent makeup in Mississippi

Starting a career in this specialty may pay off when it comes to finding a job and earning a competitive salary. In fact, the job outlook for permanent makeup artists, is positive. Through 2028, CareerOneStop expects an 11% increase nationally. Your job outlook may be particularly promising if you are one of the first permanent makeup artists in your area, since you can get a large share of the market. Your salary may be impacted by a number of factors in Mississippi, from experience and market saturation to education level and marketing skills. Per ZipRecruiter, the average salary for a Mississippi permanent makeup artist is $54,369 per year. As you build your reputation in your community, you may get more clients and increase your earning potential.

Once you complete your permanent makeup education, you must decide how you want to use your education. Some decide to become self-employed or start their own businesses. You may do this by renting out an office space or opening your own permanent makeup salon. However, there are also more traditional employment options. Permanent cosmetic specialists are often hired by dermatology offices, salons, spas, and other beauty employers. You may need to spend a bit of time educating people about permanent makeup and showing clients what you can do. Being licensed by the state, having references, and spending lots of time on client consultations can increase customer confidence, according to Marin Scope. As this field moves into the mainstream of the beauty industry, your customers may learn more about it and reduce the need for extensive client consultations and education. You should be ready to work independently as a professional in this field. Over the course of a day, you may see several patients and spend multiple hours with each one. Though you may consult with other cosmetology professionals, the majority of your time is spent working alone.

Contact the Mississippi State Board of Permanent Makeup

Mississippi State Department of Health

Mississippi has a verified beauty tradition and as such, keeps it thriving with the infusion of diverse treatments. Permanent makeup is steadily moving to the forefront and stylists are paying attention. They glean more insight from these organizations.

Mississippi State Board of Cosmetology
Professional Beauty Federation
Association of Cosmetology Salon Professionals

Permanent Make-Up

How to Become a Permanent Makeup Artist in Your State

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