Permanent Makeup Schools in Washington

Browse our directory of permanent makeup schools in Washington, or skip ahead to learn about the state's permanent makeup licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Permanent Makeup Artist in Washington

Washington Permanent Makeup Artistry Careers At a Glance
  • The average salary for permanent makeup artists in Washington is $67,697 ($32.55/hour). This is higher than the national average of $55093 ($26.49/hour).
  • There is a predicted 26% job increase between 2016–2026 for skincare specialists, including permanent makeup artists. This is higher than the expected national growth of 11%.

Every year, there are new advances and techniques that make their debut in the world of beauty. Permanent makeup, which came out of the tattooing industry, is one of the fastest growing specialties in this industry.

Permanent makeup artists use pigment and tattoo needles to essentially create permanent makeup looks on their clients.

Education Details

As a permanent makeup student, you may learn many varied techniques that allow you to create different looks on different parts of the face. During your practical experience, you may use a variety of pigments, utilize tattoo needles of different sizes, and work with clients of diverse needs. You should learn from a skilled permanent makeup artist who can properly and efficiently demonstrate each technique multiple times for you. In addition, you may learn about bone structure and skin makeup so that you can tailor your technique for each client.

License Renewal

The state of Washington spells out pretty plainly what the license renewal is like for practitioners. If you plan on practicing permanent cosmetics, then you will need to fill out this application, which also serves as the form for renewals. The cost for a permanent cosmetics new application, and renewal is $250. You will need to renew your license every year. If you pay after the renewal date, your cost will go up to $350. Talk to permanent makeup schools in your area to learn more about the prerequisites for licensure.

Washington Permanent Makeup Careers


Average yearly salary for permanent makeup in Washington

Since permanent makeup is still a developing field, you may be able to earn quite a lucrative income for yourself if you establish a reputation and set up shop in an area with few permanent makeup artists. According to ZipRecruiter, the average salary for a permanent makeup artist in Washington is $67,697 per year. Job growth in this industry appears to be very promising. A 26% increase in job openings is expected in Washington between 2016 and 2026, per CareerOneStop.

When you get started as a permanent makeup artist, you may need to market yourself and educate people on what it is you do before you get clients coming into your chair. However, as you start to impress clients and become more confident in your work, you may get referrals and fill up your schedule. The majority of your time should be spent with clients every day. With each customer, you must complete a thorough consultation, ensure that you understand what they want from their procedure, and spend as much time as needed on the procedure.

Contact the Washington State Board of Permanent Makeup

State of Washington Dept. of Licensing, Cosmetology Licensing Program

Beauty is a demonstrative force in the Pacific Northwest state of Washington. Professionals attract many with a potent resume of skills, which include the institutions.

Washington State Department of Licensing - Cosmetology
Professional Beauty Association
Professional Beauty Federation

Permanent Make-Up

How to Become a Permanent Makeup Artist in Your State

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