Permanent Makeup Schools in Vermont

Browse our directory of permanent makeup schools in Vermont, or skip ahead to learn about the state's permanent makeup licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Permanent Makeup Artist in Vermont

Vermont Permanent Makeup Artistry Careers At a Glance
  • The average salary for permanent makeup artists in Vermont is $62,306 ($29.95/hour). This is higher than the national average of $55,093 ($26.49/hour).
  • There is a predicted 3% job increase between 2016-2026 for skincare specialists, including permanent makeup artists. This is lower than the expected national growth of 11%.

If you have ever seen someone with permanent makeup, you know how natural and beautiful this procedure can make skin look.

No matter what effect people achieve with regular makeup, it can be replicated through permanent makeup with the help of a skilled technician.

Education Details

You may explore many technical topics as a permanent makeup student. It's important to learn about the tools that are used in this field, as they are the same tools that are used in the tattooing industry. Furthermore, you should develop a strong understanding of color theory and how it applies to permanent makeup. Throughout your make up tatooing program, your instructors should cover different permanent makeup procedures, show you how to do them, and offer feedback when you carry out these procedures. This may involve working with the eyes, cheeks, and lips.

License Renewal

Permanent makeup artist licenses need to be renewed every year, and include a $200 renewal fee. Vermont also has standards for education and training requirements that you will have to adhere to, in addition to the application and fee. Because of these strict guidelines, it can be critical to find the right permanent makeup artist program ASAP. When you speak with schools be sure to ask how they help students prepare for licensure in this state.

Vermont Permanent Makeup Careers


Average yearly salary for permanent makeup in Vermont

The field of permanent makeup is going through considerable growth in Vermont. Between 2016 and 2026, CareerOneStop anticipates a 3% increase in skin care specialist jobs. With your specialized training and education, you may be in a great position to earn a competitive salary. ZipRecruiter claims that the average salary for a Vermont permanent makeup artists is $62,306 per year. That is higher than the national average (ZipRecruiter 2020).

Permanent makeup is still growing as a field, so you may want to stay on top of local job opportunities to see where your skills can be used. Permanent makeup artists may use their skills in salons, spas, and dermatology offices. Some even choose to open their own salon and become self-employed. By far, the best skill you can bring to this career is excellent communication. Clients may know what look they want, but they may not know how to communicate it to you. Knowing which questions to ask and what clients are trying to achieve can help you meet their expectations.

Contact the Vermont State Board of Permanent Makeup

Office of Professional Regulation

Vermont’s beauty industry is expected to see a substantial increase in both the number applying to be professionals as well as those licensed. With more seeing the potential of different career specializations like permanent makeup available, they seek out information from these institutions.

Vermont Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists
International Make-Up Association
National Interstate Council of Board of Cosmetology;

Permanent Make-Up

How to Become a Permanent Makeup Artist in Your State

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