What if the beauty school I'm considering has bad reviews?

Choosing the right cosmetology school is an important life decision. It can be difficult poring over all the information on the web, and sorting through reviews ... both good and bad. How do you know which beauty school reviews to listen to?

The first step is requesting information from cosmetology schools and narrowing your options. But in the end, there can only be one, and you may turn to reviews from past students to help you make your decision. Here are a few tips on deciding which cosmetology school reviews to take to heart, and which to ignore.


Quantity is important. How many bad reviews versus how many good reviews are there for the school? There are always going to be outliers ... the people who absolutely adored the school and the people absolutely hated the school, and the angry ones always seem to be the loudest ones. It's inevitable. No one can please everyone, so don't hold one bad review against them. However, if you notice that the vast majority of the reviews of the school across multiple sites are scathing and negative, it might be a red flag.



Consider the source. If the website seems spammy, it probably is.  The reviews aren't the next bestselling novel, so we can forgive the authors if their spelling and grammar isn't perfect. But if the review of the beauty school is completely devoid of information, is loaded with angry ranting or cursing, or includes personal attacks on students or teachers, it might not be one you should rely on. Also, it's not unheard of for a school to go online and post a glowing review under the guise of being a student. That's not quite so easy to detect, but if it seems like a loaded marketing message, take it with a grain of salt.


Regardless of whether the reviews of beauty schools are overwhelmingly positive or negative, seeing is believing, so always contact the school and request a tour. The admissions reps will be happy to show you around the facility, introduce you to some students and teachers, and answer any questions you may have about their programs. Decide in advance what's important to you ... is it cost? scheduling? what's include in tuition? job placement services after graduation? Different things are important to different people, so know up-front what will be deal-makers and deal-breakers for you. Come prepared with questions in hand, and know what you want to ask the beauty school admissions representatives during your visit.


Lastly, help others who come after you. Take the time to write a beauty school review for others to use as a resource when they're choosing the right school for them. Try to pull any emotional reaction out of it, and be as objective, unbiased and constructive as possible. What are the advantages and drawbacks? What did you gain, and what did you feel was missed? Be helpful to the schools, teachers and future students with your open, honest feedback.

At the end of the day, you need to choose the cosmetology school that is right for you - regardless of whether it wasn't right for someone else. You need to weigh out the good reviews and bad reviews, but you should also talk to and visit the school yourself to get your own feeling for whether the school is a good fit for your needs.

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