How much does cosmetology school cost?

So how much does beauty or cosmetology school cost? It usually depends on:

  • Location. It varies from state to state, and it can vary by proximity to major metropolitan cities vs. rural areas.
  • School ownership. Sometimes a brand name chain can affect cost over a smaller, local cosmetology school - but both can offer high quality programs.
  • Supplies. Some schools include cosmetology kits, books and other supplies with tuition, whereas others don't.
  • The program you choose. Comprehensive cosmetology takes longer and costs a little more, but you learn many different beauty skills. Surveys show that comprehensive cosmetology programs usually cost between $10,000 and $15,000 - though that varies, so check with your schools of choice. A more specific esthetics and skin care program or nail tech program takes less time and costs less to complete. Surveys show that esthetics usually cost between $5,000 and $10,000, nail technology usually cost between $3,000 and $7,000, and makeup artistry programs are usually under $5,000.


Many people find that cosmetology school is more affordable than traditional four-year universities, but because the cost of beauty school depends on so many factors, we always recommend requesting information from the schools you're interested in, and asking them directly.

However, don't let cost stop you from enrolling in cosmetology school and pursuing your dreams. There are multiple options available to help you finance your education.

  • Accredited cosmetology schools can offer federal financial assistance.
  • About 2/3 of the schools we surveyed said they offered private financing.
  • Many also said they had scholarship opportunities. In fact, Beauty Schools Marketing Group gives away a $2,500 beauty school scholarship every three months.
  • And nearly all of them said they offered career placement services after you graduate to help you find a job and finish paying for school.


So what are you waiting for? Start looking for beauty schools near you.

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