What Do Top Cosmetology Schools Have In Common?

If you are trying to figure out the best traits of top cosmetology schools, then this list should help you out. We compiled five of the best traits we see in the top cosmetology program, based on our years of experience working with cosmetology schools and students. We could probably turn this into a list of 20 or 30 key traits of beauty schools, but we feel that this process shouldn’t start out overly complicated.

You will be equipped to work your way through any challenges or questions that reach beyond this list, if you set yourself up for success from the get-go.

How Do We Know So Much About Cosmetology Schools?

We don’t claim to know everything, but we do know a TON about the beauty industry, training, license requirements, and other helpful knowledge. We’ve been around for years, and have helped over two million students connect with beauty schools.

The beauty schools we work with offer all types of programs for students who want to start a cosmetology career in the industry.

That’s why we make it simple for you to learn your state beauty school requirements, find your options in your area, and get moving towards a career that you’re daydreaming about now.

So, let’s start talking about what some of the best cosmetology schools have in common…

  1. Experiential learning.

    One thing that the top beauty schools have in common is something ALL beauty schools should have in common, in fact. The best beauty schools let students immerse themselves in their studies. You have to spend time in the classroom, learning the theory, and the other ‘whys’ of your skills. But it will be your time behind the chair, or practicing nails or makeup that will determine your true professional abilities.

    Make sure that you choose a program that will at least help you earn the required number of education training and classroom hours. You will also want to learn the background of your instructors. Learning from experienced professionals is critical to understanding what it’s really like to work in the industry. They can give you insight that can only be obtained from having a career in beauty.

  2. Career counseling

    One of the keys to success in beauty school is how well you transition into a real career once you are finished. Top cosmetology schools know how to hold each student’s hand throughout their education and set them up for career opportunities. That’s why the top schools will have relationships with employers in your area, and a credible reputation for training skilled workers.

    When you meet with your cosmetology school advisors, be sure to ask plenty of questions about their students: Who has hired them, what is the graduation rate, and what is the 2017 salary and outlook are in your city and state. All of these topics are an important part of your conversation with any career counselor or advisor.

    The top cosmetology schools will have this covered, and be proactive about communicating your projected potential. Of course, they cannot make or break your success. They can only provide you the best opportunity for you to try your best and learn the skills to be an awesome stylist, nail tech, makeup artist – or whatever occupation you’re going for.

  3. Management and interpersonal communication skills.

    This is a big one for us, because the top beauty school programs not only teach students a solid foundation of skills, but they help students grow into more mature professionals. The best schools for cosmetology know how to have fun while getting the job done. You will need to learn the responsibilities that go along with being a professional, and the best beauty schools recognize that. When you look through the curriculum of every program you consider, be sure to look for management, leadership, or courses that focus on professional skill development.

    Sometimes, cosmetology schools will offer salon management programs that students can take advantage of. These include courses for keeping up with your books, managing workers, computer software that can help you run your business, and other really handy skills and knowledge.

  4. Programs that prepare for licensure.

    One of the most important things you need to consider when looking at programs is whether or not it will prepare you to meet the license requirements in your state. Some areas of cosmetology are unregulated in some states, and heavily regulated in others. That’s why you have to do your homework. This is a good indicator if a beauty school you are looking at would fall into the ‘top beauty schools’ category.

    After you request information from all the schools in your city or area, you should learn your state’s license requirements. (Don’t worry, we have them all listed on our site, to make it easy for you.)

    You will also need to understand what requirements each school has to enroll in their programs. The most common requirement is that you at least be 16 years old. When you receive information from each school, their requirement should be spelled out clearly.

  5. Financial aid and flexible learning options.

    One of the traits of top cosmetology schools, in our opinion, is the financial aid options for students. Many of the best schools will help you figure out how you can manage your budget while you train. And they should be able to help you figure out the application processes for the scholarships, Federal aid, and private loans that you might have to use in your mix of payment options.

    Along with this topic, we think you should map out your calendar as if you are in school. How will you make your training fit with the rest of your life? The top cosmetology and beauty schools will be able to help you find solutions. Many of them will also have flexible program schedules, because they understand that many students are working professionals or young workers who may not have flexibility in their work schedules.

Are you ready to contact the best beauty schools in your area?

If you’re saying “I’m ready to contact cosmetology schools near me,” then let’s get started right away.

Since many programs can be completed in less time that most other types of degree programs, you can be working in the beauty career you’re daydreaming about before you know it!

We invite people of all ages, from all walks of life to consider pursuing a career in barbering, cosmetology or even massage therapy, if it’s a goal you have in mind. Many professionals decide to change careers and work as stylists, because they think it would be fun, and they want a more relaxed workplace, where they can express themselves.

Just use the search tools on our site to see what options you have for training in your state. And be sure to keep us updated on your success!

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