Permanent Makeup Schools in Rhode Island

Browse our directory of permanent makeup schools in Rhode Island, or skip ahead to learn about the state's permanent makeup licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Permanent Makeup Artist in Rhode Island

Rhode Island Permanent Makeup Artistry Careers At a Glance
  • The average salary for permanent makeup artists in Rhode Island is $62,646 ($30.12/hour). This is higher than the national average of $55,093 ($26.49/hour).
  • There is a predicted 11% job increase for skincare specialists, including permanent makeup artists between 2018-2028 nationally.

Are you ready to become one of Rhode Island's most sought after permanent makeup artists? Then you'll need to complete your training at one of the state's beauty schools that offer this type of training. If you want to see a perfect example of the services you can provide Rhode Island residents, and how you can market your permanent makeup services, check out the Facebook page for Permanent Makeup and Beauty Lounge. They also have a gallery of images that show you the difference you can make in your patient's lives when you complete your cosmetology school permanent makeup training.

If you want to develop a set of skills that can result in a long-term career, we think permanent makeup courses are smart to consider. We also think you should contact all the schools near you to hear what they have to say. It's important to ask questions as well. You'll want to know how long it takes, how much it costs, what kinds of financial aid options, and career services are available to graduates. Don't wait to find out the answers to your questions. Use the listings below or the handy search box to start narrowing your options today.

State License Requirements

If you want to become a permanent makeup artist or tattooist in Rhode Island, you will need to find a training program that can prepare you for licensure. The license application is processed through the Department of Health.

Education Details

To become a permanent makeup artist in Rhode Island, you will first need to compare the courses offered through beauty schools near you. Look for curriculum that aligns with the requirements for the state, and helps you gain additional professional skills. People seek permanent makeup treatments for a variety of reasons; many of them challenging. That's why you should learn from instructors who will prepare you to provide empathetic and high quality care.

Rhode Island permanent makeup courses to look for:

  • Color theory
  • Makeup tools
  • Working with needles
  • Patient care
  • Anesthesia

License Renewal

You must renew on an annual basis. The cost for your initial license is $90, which is the same as your renewal fee. To make sure you are ready to pass the requirements and offer the best service to your clients, start comparing permanent makeup programs in Rhode Island as your next step.

Rhode Island Permanent Makeup Careers


Average yearly salary for permanent makeup in Rhode Island

Any business that wants to offer unique and life long benefits to its clientele serves as a job option for permanent makeup artists. Permanent makeup artists benefit those who appreciate the idea of maintaining a nice appearance, but do not appreciate the idea of having to apply makeup all day every day. The numbers indicate an auspicious job outlook for trained permanent makeup artists.

Contact the Rhode Island State Board of Permanent Makeup

Department of Health

Rhode Islanders enjoy a thriving beauty industry. Part of that lies in the facts of more trained stylists who can employ a bounty of specialized treatments. This also includes permanent makeup. Those eager to join in the wave find out more from these institutions.

Permanent Make-Up
Rhode Island

How to Become a Permanent Makeup Artist in Your State

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