Laser Training Schools in Texas
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How to Become a Laser Technician in Texas
- You must renew your license every 3 years.
- Average salary for laser training in Texas is $33,800 .
- There is a predicted 23.0% job increase between 2012 - 2022.
For someone with a hormonal condition or naturally thick hair, unwanted body hair is a curse. It may grow quickly, be very obvious on the skin, and cause discomfort during hot months. That's why so many beauty tools and techniques focus on the removal of unwanted body hair, either temporarily or permanently. Attending TX laser training programs is a great way to get started in this rapidly growing field. Learning from experienced laser technicians can show you how to properly use a laser for hair removal, minimize client discomfort, and get good results.
State License Requirements
The use of lasers on people is highly regulated across the United States, but each state sets its own training and licensing requirements. To work in Texas, you'll need to follow the laws of the Texas Medical Board. After completing your laser training, you may operate the laser as an employee or as the owner of a laser hair removal business. You do need to have a medical director who oversees your work and takes responsibility for your work. Prior to working independently, you are required to do 100 procedures with the supervision of your medical director.
Education Details
Before you can work, a medical director must agree to work with you. Doing well in respected Texas laser training courses can help an MD feel confident about supervising you.
Some of the topics you may cover in your education include:
Practice is the second component of laser training, and it's just as important as theory. While earning your certificate, you may handle a variety of different lasers. With help from your instructors, you may perform laser hair removal on a range of patients and on different parts of the body.
License Renewal
License renewal period
Continuing education required
Laser technologists in Texas can help perform a variety of cosmetic and healthcare related procedures to help patients. Doctors are responsible for making sure laser techs have the right training to work in Texas. If you want to compete for these types of roles, you should take a course or program recognized by the National Council on Laser Certification (NCLC). They set the national standards for this line of work that the states and doctors rely on. If you become registered with the NCLC, then you will need to renew your registration every three years for a fee of $95.
Texas Laser Training Careers
Average yearly salary for laser training in Texas
You might work in lots of settings as a laser technician. Urban areas like Dallas and Austin may have the greatest selection, but even other parts of Texas have laser hair removal centers. Spas, salons, and hair removal clinics are all work settings to consider. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, skin care specialists in Texas earn an average salary of $33,800 per year (2016). O*Net reports that job openings for Texas skin care specialists may swell 48% between 2012 and 2022 (2016).
Individuals who wish to pursue a career as a laser treatment specialist must complete laser training courses. Laser training courses in Texas are widely available and can be taken at either a public community college or private educational institution. Professional laser technicians help customers eliminate unattractive physical blemishes and consult with them about the best procedure available. Overall, skincare specialists in Texas and across the country make an average of $30,090 per year as part of a work force of 55,000 individuals.
Contact the Texas State Board of Cosmetology
- PO Box 12157, Austin, TX 78711
- Website: Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations
- Call: 512-463-6599
- Fax: 512-463-9468