How Long Is Cosmetology School?

Full-time students can generally complete a full cosmetology program in about a year. This depends greatly on the state requirements for training as well as the number of hours per week offered by the cosmetology school schedule. Part-time learners of course will take longer, again depending on the school's schedule.

Cosmetology school is a substantial time commitment regardless of where you are studying and needs to be carefully considered before you start down the path, but it certainly can be rewarding for those motivated to make beauty a new career.

Cosmetology Training Requirements by State

State Cosmetology Training Continuing Education Per Renewal Period
Alabama 1,500 hours 0 hours every 2 years
Alaska 1,650 hours 0 hours every 2 years
Arizona 1,600 hours 0 hours every 2 years
Arkansas 1,500 hours 0 hours every 2 years
California 1,000 hours 0 hours every 2 years
Colorado 1,500 hours 0 hours every 2 years
Connecticut 1,500 hours 0 hours every 2 years
Delaware 1,500 hours 0 hours every 2 years
Florida 1,200 hours 10 hours every 2 years
Georgia 1,500 hours 5 hours every 2 years
Hawaii 1,800 hours 0 hours every 2 years
Idaho 1,600 hours 0 hours every 1 year
Illinois 1,500 hours 14 hours every 2 years
Indiana 1,500 hours 0 hours every 4 years
Iowa 2,100 hours 6 hours every 2 years
Kansas 1,500 hours Passing exam scores every 2 years
Kentucky 1,500 hours 0 hours every 1 year
Louisiana 1,500 hours 0 hours every 1 year
Maine 1,500 hours 0 hours every 1 year
Maryland 1,500 hours 6 hours every 2 years
Massachusetts 1,000 hours 0 hours every 2 years
Michigan 1,500 hours 0 hours every 2 years
Minnesota 1,550 hours 8 hours every 3 years
Mississippi 1,500 hours 0 hours every 2 years
Missouri 1,500 hours 0 hours every 2 years
Montana 1,500 hours 0 hours every 2 years
Nebraska 1,800 hours 8 hours every 2 years
Nevada 1,600 hours 0 hours every 2 or 4 years
New Hampshire 1,500 hours 0 hours every 2 years
New Jersey 1,200 hours 0 hours every 2 years
New Mexico 1,600 hours 0 hours every 2 years
New York 1,000 hours 0 hours every 4 years
North Carolina 1,500 hours 8 hours every 1 year
North Dakota 1,500 hours 0 hours every 1 year
Ohio 1,500 hours 4 hours every 2 years
Oklahoma 1,500 hours 0 hours every 1 year
Oregon 1,835 hours (covers 3 separate licenses adding up to cosmetology) 0 hours every 2 years
Pennsylvania 1,250 hours 0 hours every 2 years
Rhode Island 1,200 hours 0 hours every 2 years
South Carolina 1,500 hours 4 hours every 2 years
South Dakota 1,500 hours 0 hours every 1 year
Tennessee 1,500 hours 0 hours every 2 years
Texas 1,000 hours 4 hours every 2 years
Utah 1,600 hours 0 hours every 2 years
Vermont 1,000 hours 0 hours every 2 years
Virginia 1,500 hours 0 hours every 2 years
Washington 1,600 hours 0 hours every 2 years
Washington D.C. 1,500 hours 6 hours every 2 years
West Virginia 1,800 hours 0 hours every 1 year
Wisconsin 1,550 hours 0 hours every 2 years
Wyoming 1,600 hours 0 hours every 2 years
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