Makeup Artistry Schools in Maine

Browse our directory of makeup artistry schools in Maine, or skip ahead to learn about the state's makeup artistry licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Makeup Artist in Maine

Maine Makeup Artist Careers At a Glance
  • The average salary for makeup artists in Maine is $47,158 ($22.67/hour). This is higher than the national average of $43,658 ($20.99/hour).
  • There is a predicted 4% job increase between 2016-2026 for cosmetologists, including makeup artists. This is lower than the expected national growth of 9%.

Makeup artistry: a surprisingly diverse and varied field with numerous different opportunities for work. If you enjoy tinkering around with cosmetics, applying makeup on yourself, your family, and your friends, and you have an artistic streak and an eye for color, becoming a makeup artist in the state of Maine could be an excellent career choice for you!

Makeup artists create looks using cosmetics, both for everyday, and special occasions, as well as in special situations where certain physical flaws or disfigurements need to be camouflaged or concealed. They also apply makeup for stage, film, and television, creating very specialized looks for performance situations.

State License Requirements

You are required to be licensed to practice as a makeup artist in Maine. To obtain the license, you must have at least 140 hours of training at an accredited school or program. You need to have completed the tenth grade and be at least 17 years of age. Your school will prepare you for the written and practical exams required to obtain the license.

Education Details

Makeup artistry is taught at schools of cosmetology, as well as by some of the larger cosmetics firms and major salons. A typical program may last from three to six months or even longer, although some training programs take just a weekend. Typically, you will learn about the anatomy and physiology of skin, hair, and nails, and about diseases and conditions affecting them. You'll take courses on colors, pigments, and tools of the trade, as well as making the best color choices for people with different skin, hair, and eye color. Makeup for special situations will be covered, including bridal makeup, makeup for television, stage, and film, and make up for individuals who are recovering from surgery, illness, or injury. You may learn about permanent makeup and body art. It can be loads of fun to be around other people who love makeup as much as you do, and to learn specialized techniques that improve people's lives. Much of what you learn will be via video demonstration and live demonstration and, eventually, you'll get to work on live human beings yourself. Courses will cover sterilization and sanitation practices in Maine, as well as something about the business of makeup artistry. When you are evaluating different programs available to you, be sure to check out the textbooks, tuition and scholarship opportunities, and internship possibilities the school offers. Internships are a wonderful route to later employment. It also helps if the school has an alumni directory so that graduates can contact one another about job leads and other issues.

License Renewal

In Maine, you will need a minimum of 600 hours of esthetician training to work as a makeup artist in this state. This will give you a solid foundation in makeup and skincare, without veering away from your focus. However, if you want to offer hair or nail services, or open your own salon one day, then you may consider the benefits of a cosmetology license. If you earn your makeup artist license in Maine, you will renew for $20 annually by the end of October. The fee for cosmetologists and estheticians is $50.

Maine Makeup Artistry Careers


Average yearly salary for makeup artistry in Maine

Makeup artists in Maine earned an average yearly salary of $47,158 in 2020 according to ZipRecruiter. There is actually a wide range of salaries for makeup artists, depending upon the kind of makeup artistry you perform, and where you do it. Projected growth for the beauty industry in general is expected to be good, meaning jobs as a makeup artist should be relatively easy to come by.

Working as a makeup artist offers you an assortment of settings in which you can practice your artistry. Most common is working at a spa or salon, where you provide makeup services as a last step in a series of treatments, or apply a professional makeup application for a special occasion. You may also offer makeup lessons to clients. Working in a department store is another option. Often, you will work for a specific cosmetic line, and sell their products as well as apply them to customers. Television studios, fashion and photo shoots, are specialty areas where makeup application is called for. Makeup may also be applied in certain medical settings, to enhance the appearance of patients whose looks are compromised by treatments, illnesses, or injuries. Having a professional makeup artist apply facial makeup always gives a client a lift. They look their best, and feel their best, and the experience is usually quite enjoyable. If you enjoy being around other people, have an eye for color and an artistic bent, and desire a career in the beauty industry, then a career as a makeup artist in Maine just could be the right choice for you. Use our directory to locate makeup artist programs near you!

Contact the Maine State Board of Cosmetology

Office of Professional and Financial Regulation
Make-Up Artist Training

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