Makeup Artistry Schools in North Dakota

Browse our directory of makeup artistry schools in North Dakota, or skip ahead to learn about the state's makeup artistry licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Makeup Artist in North Dakota

North Dakota Makeup Artist Careers At a Glance
  • The average salary for makeup artists in North Dakota is $50,605 ($24.33/hour). This is higher than the national average of $43,658 ($20.99/hour).
  • There is a predicted 9% job increase between 2016-2026 for cosmetologists, including makeup artists. This is equal to the expected national growth of 9%.

Everyone has features they'd like to accentuate and features they'd like to hide. The fastest way to change your style is makeup artistry.

A good makeup artist can highlight or downplay just about any feature!

State License Requirements

There are lots of different ways to become a makeup artist. However, we believe that professional training is one of the most effective ways to develop a varied skill set and learn about the theory of makeup application. Since makeup application is not a career that's licensed or regulated in North Dakota, you can complete the amount of training or the type of training that you feel is right for your career goals.

Education Details

By training at a makeup artistry school, you can learn how to use makeup on different parts of the face, make use of a range of makeup tools, and choose the right colors for any person and situation. You may discover how to apply makeup for daily use, which can help you teach clients how to apply their own makeup. Your course may also cover the use of makeup for special events, like dances and weddings. Instructors may teach you how to apply makeup for theatrical settings, including stage presentations, television, and movies. Color theory is a crucial part of successful makeup application. By practicing your skills on clients and studying the interaction of colors, you can discover how to use color theory in your makeup career.

License Renewal

In North Dakota, you have two paths to becoming a licensed makeup artist. You can either earn your esthetician or cosmetology license to work as a professional in this state. Both types of programs will help you learn valuable skills that expand your resume beyond makeup. Cosmetology can help you develop hair, nail, and salon management skills. And esthetician training can teach you facial science. The fees and deadline for renewals is every year by December 31st — with a $15 fee.

North Dakota Makeup Artistry Careers


Average yearly salary for makeup artistry in North Dakota

You may enjoy a positive job outlook as a makeup artist. Per O*Net, the demand for cosmetology professionals is expected to increase by 9% through 2026. This includes makeup artists. Of course, the job outlook differs in different parts of the state. Generally, larger urban areas have a greater need for makeup artists than small rural and suburban areas. However, if you bring unique and in-demand skills to your career, you may have a great job outlook no matter where you work. As a makeup artist, you can earn a wide range of salaries. Much depends on the geographical area you work, the work setting you choose, and how much experience you have in this field. O*Net reports that the average salary for a cosmetology professional in North Dakota is $50,605 per year.

When you decide on a career in makeup artistry, you get to be part of a field that is always changing and growing. This means that you can shape your career to suit your schedule, your goals, and your own sense of style. Makeup artists may take on many tasks. If you work with clients that do not know how to use makeup at all, you may travel to their homes to teach them how to apply makeup for daily wear. This allows you to give clients a sense of confidence. You may also help clients choose the right colors and tools for their coloring and skin type. A big part of makeup artistry involves applying makeup for special events. Clients may seek out your services for weddings, school dances, professional photos, or other one-off events. If you become well-known as a makeup artist, you may have the chance to start your own business, create makeup tutorials, or even start your own makeup line. Ellis Faas is a Dutch makeup artist who has used her skills to create her own innovative makeup line and recreate the field of makeup artistry in Europe.

Contact the North Dakota State Board of Cosmetology

North Dakota State Board of Cosmetology
Make-Up Artist Training
North Dakota

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