Makeup Artistry Schools in Mississippi

Browse our directory of makeup artistry schools in Mississippi, or skip ahead to learn about the state's makeup artistry licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Makeup Artist in Mississippi

Mississippi Makeup Artist Careers At a Glance
  • The average salary for makeup artists in Mississippi is $44,492 ($21.39/hour). This is higher than the national average of $43,658 ($20.99/hour).
  • There is a predicted 6% job increase between 2016-2026 for cosmetologists, including makeup artists. This is lower than the expected national growth of 9%.

If you've ever seen what celebrities look like without their makeup on, you likely know what kind of power makeup has over someone's appearance!

If you like to spend your time watching makeup video tutorials, experimenting with different techniques and makeup colors, and exploring new brands, a career in makeup artistry may be in your future.

State License Requirements

Makeup artists are not licensed or regulated by the state of Mississippi in any way, so you can get the training you feel you need and start working in this field! It may be wise to choose a training program that provides theoretical and practical training in areas like daily makeup application, special events, airbrush makeup, and color theory.

Education Details

The courses you take in a makeup artist training course depend on which school you choose to attend and what skills you're already bringing to the table. Some of the courses you may take include Culture and Appearance, Fundamentals of Makeup for Beauty and Fashion, Stage Make-Up, and Challenges in Makeup Artistry. In each class, you may learn about the theory of color selection, the challenges of applying makeup to different skin types and facial structures, and how you can bring your expertise to each aspect of your career. Practical experience is crucial, so plan on applying makeup to many different faces before you complete your education.

License Renewal

Mississippi does not have a makeup artist license process. But, if you want to work as a practitioner here, you can either earn your cosmetology or esthetician's license. If you just want to focus on a makeup career, you should check out esthetician programs first. They are typically shorter in duration. However, a cosmetology program can be a good choice if you are thinking about owning your own salon one day, or managing one. The renewal schedule is every two years with a $50 fee.

Mississippi Makeup Artistry Careers


Average yearly salary for makeup artistry in Mississippi

You may enjoy a positive job outlook as a dedicated makeup professional in Mississippi. Much depends on what specialties you have and where you're willing to work. If you can use your skills to provide makeup for stage shows, special events like weddings, training for people who want to learn how to do their own makeup, and other situations, you may enjoy a strong job outlook. Between 2016 and 2026, CareerOneStop anticipates a 6% increase in cosmetology jobs in Mississippi. This field really relies on referrals, so building a customer base can help you fill up your schedule more quickly. Salaries in makeup artistry differ significantly between work settings and working makeup artists. On average, makeup artists earn an average of $44,492 per year (ZipRecruiter, 2020). Your salary potential may depend on whether you're self-employed, freelance, or employed by a beauty employer.

Your success as a makeup artist depends largely on how hard you're willing to work, how many connections you can build in the cosmetology industry, and how much you build up your skills in the makeup industry. Makeup artists work in a variety of settings. You may provide makeup services in people's homes, particularly for people who want to learn how to do their own makeup. Some artists work for salons, department stores, or specialty makeup stores. If you have specialized skills in makeup application for the stage or screen, you may be able to work for the entertainment industry. If you aim high and really work hard on building your professional network, you may become well-known for your makeup application abilities and even work for celebrities. Charlotte Tilbury is an example of success in this career path. Her knowledge of colors and her strong understanding of makeup application theory has made her the makeup artist of choice for the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. Establishing your goals early on and working hard to achieve them can help you take your career to the next level.

Contact the Mississippi State Board of Cosmetology

Mississippi State Board of Cosmetology
Make-Up Artist Training

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