Makeup Artistry Schools in Arkansas

Browse our directory of makeup artistry schools in Arkansas, or skip ahead to learn about the state's makeup artistry licensing requirements and job outlook.

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How to Become a Makeup Artist in Arkansas

Arkansas Makeup Artist Careers At a Glance
  • The average salary for makeup artists in Arkansas is $45,248 ($21.75/hour). This is higher than the national average of $43,658 ($20.99/hour).
  • There is a predicted 10% job increase between 2016-2026 for cosmetologists, including makeup artists. This is higher than the expected national growth of 9%.

Makeup artists can experience many exciting and unique career opportunities, from theatrical and stage makeup, to makeup for photo and fashion shoots, to the cosmetics industry and the media.

If you enjoy working with people and helping them look and feel their best, or would enjoy helping someone to look a certain way for a particular role or character, a career as a makeup artist may be a great career choice for you! If you want to know your options and compare programs, simply use our site to request information directly from top beauty schools near you!

State License Requirements

You can begin your makeup artistry career with an esthetician license in Arkansas. An esthetics training program includes at least 600 hours, 50 of which are dedicated specifically to makeup and corrective makeup. An additional 40 hours are spent on eyebrows and lashes. To take both the written and practical exams, you must pay a $125 testing fee. Passing both exams is the final step to licensure.

Education Details

There are several venues for training to become a makeup artist. Private and cosmetology schools offer programs in makeup artistry leading to a certificate. Some community colleges offer makeup artistry programs leading to a two year associate's degree. In addition to learning about skin, hair, pigments, and proper application techniques, community college programs will offer you general education courses in areas such as social science, humanities, and sciences that will broaden your general knowledge base. Some of the larger cosmetic companies, and private salons, may offer training courses in makeup artistry as well. Programs vary in length, often from six to nine months or longer, and two years in the case of community colleges. You will practice working on one another and then on live models. Eventually, you may offer services to the public during your course of your schooling. The Arkansas Department of health oversees the licensing of cosmetologists in the state of Arkansas. You will need to complete at least 140 days of schooling at an accredited institution. You will need to take and pass a licensing exam with both theoretical and practical components to it.

License Renewal

If you earn your esthetician's license in Arkansas as your way of pursuing this career, you will need to put the renewal date on your calendar. Currently, the cost for renewal is $50 — due every two years.

Arkansas Makeup Artistry Careers


Average yearly salary for makeup artistry in Arkansas

Data available on ZipRecruiter for makeup artists shows that in 2020 the average yearly salary for a makeup artist in Arkansas was $45,248. Of course, your salary will vary depending upon the type of makeup you do, and where you do it, with specialty makeup artists serving the performance, fashion, and media industries earning the highest salaries. Projected growth for cosmetologists 10% by 2026.

Your day will look different depending upon what area of the makeup artistry field you are in. If you are in performance and stage makeup, you will have to be onset early in the morning to apply cosmetics to the actors assigned to you. If you are working on a photo or fashion shoot, you must also be on site, where you will apply cosmetics according to a predetermined plan by the director. You may be asked to consult on related areas, such as hair and fashion, and coordinate looks among all three areas. If you work at a salon or spa, you will see individual clients, usually by appointment. You may specialize in an area such as applying makeup to bridal parties. You must be good at listening to what your clients tell you so you can translate their wishes into the appropriate makeup style and design they are desiring. As a makeup artist, you may work full or part time, with some scheduling flexibility, although you must be available when needed by your clients. This is a career that can fit in with other life obligations, such as taking care of small children.

Contact the Arkansas State Board of Cosmetology

Arkansas Department of Health
Make-Up Artist Training

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