Cosmetology Schools Near Paducah / Cape Girardeau / Harrisburg / Mt. Vernon

Harrisburg, Illinois, is a great place to start your career as a cosmetologist. As an added benefit, Harrisburg is part of a cluster of cities—in three other states!—that all provide quality cosmetology programs. (Be sure to check on reciprocity with each state's board of cosmetology, though!) Below, you can find information about cosmetology careers in Harrisburg, Illinois; Paducah, Kentucky; Cape Girardeau, Missouri; and Mount Vernon, Indiana.

Salaries and job opportunities in each state are as follows.

Location Annual Salary Career Outlook: Projected Job Growth, 2016–2026
Illinois $31,480 ($15.13/hour) 4%
Kentucky $30,300 ($14.57/hour) No data available
Indiana $27,780 ($13.36/hour) 11%
Missouri $29,490 ($14.18/hour) 6%

Sources: and CareerOneStop

You can find cosmetology schools in all four cities that will help you complete the state requirements for becoming licensed, as shown below.

Location Licensing Requirements
Illinois 1,500 training hours; pass written and skills test
Kentucky 1,500 training hours; pass written and skills test
Indiana 1,500 training hours; pass written and skills test
Missouri 1,500 training hours or 3,000 apprenticeship hours; pass written and skills test

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