Esthetician Schools Near Wheeling / Steubenville

If you want to become an esthetician in West Virginia or Ohio, Wheeling and Steubenville may be great places to begin. Both places have their share of charm—and that includes many salons in and between the towns.

As of 2019, estheticians in West Virginia earned a mean salary of $38,610 per year ($18.56 per hour), and those in Ohio made $39,460 ($18.97). Both West Virginia and Ohio expect esthetician jobs to grow by 13% between 2016 and 2026—higher than the national expectation.

If you want to study in one state and practice in the other, you will need to meet specific standards—reciprocity isn't automatic. Ohio requires estheticians to verify a minimum of 600 hours of training and passing scores on exams. West Virginia mandates those seeking licensure from out of state pass a state cosmetology law exam.

West Virginia requires esthetician students to complete 600 hours of training before licensure, and Ohio requires 616 hours. To earn licensure in either state, you must pass a written and a skills exam, and WV has an additional law test. The schools below could all help you earn your hours and pass your exams.

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