Esthetician Schools and Careers in Philadelphia

Philadelphia has all the elements to find success as an esthetician in the city. WalletHub ranked Philadelphia 144th out of 150 major metro areas in the U.S. on skin health and care, but looking at the demand for skin care specialists in the city, residents recognize the need. Not only is the Philadelphia metro region the fifth-highest employer in the field, but the annual mean wage for estheticians is $38,460 a year; this is higher than both the national median esthetician pay of $31,290 and the state’s median esthetician income of $33,790. Philadelphia, along with the whole state of Pennsylvania, has a higher than average projected job growth of 11% for estheticians between 2016 and 2026.

Beyond the opportunities for estheticians in the city, Philadelphia is simply a great place to live. Not only did the city play a central role in the nation’s history, but it also has a substantial stake in contemporary culture. The city has a vibrant food, art, and culture scene, making it a fun place to live and a draw to tourists. As a bonus, it’s pretty affordable for an East Coast metropolis.

Pennsylvania requires 300 hours of training to qualify for an esthetician license. All the Philadelphia programs below would meet those state requirements.

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