Cosmetology Teacher Training in West Virginia

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How to Become a Cosmetology Teacher in West Virginia

West Virginia Cosmetology Teacher Training At a Glance
  • 5 Years education hours are required to become licensed.
  • You must renew your license every 1 year.
  • 4 continuing education hours are required to renew your license.
  • Average salary for teacher training in West Virginia is $48,250.
  • There is a predicted 6.60%* job increase between 2012 - 2022.

Teachers of all subjects play a very important role in society. Without instructors and teachers passing on their knowledge, different fields and industries can die out very quickly.

That is why cosmetology instructors are such a crucial part of the beauty industry.

State License Requirements

5 Years Education Hours

Required to earn a teacher training license

In this state you can become an instructor with your cosmetology license and 5+ years of salon experience. Plus, you'll have to pass an interview exam.

Education Details

Teaching and doing are two very different things. If you're an awesome cosmetologist and want to share your skills with the next generation of stylists, the first thing you should do is review course curriculum in instructor programs. Be sure you choose a program that helps you manage the classroom while helping your students achieve their professional goals.

West Virginia cosmetology instructor classes should cover:

  • Teaching methods
  • Curriculum design
  • Learning styles
  • Student retention

License Renewal

1 Year

License renewal period

4 Hours

Continuing education required

In West Virginia, the renewal process for practitioners and instructors follows the same process laid out by the West Virginia Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists. In this state you can become an instructor with your cosmetology license and 5+ years of salon experience. Plus, you’ll have to pass an interview exam. Once you qualify, you will have to take 4 continuing education units per year. Additionally, you will need to renew every year and pay a $35 fee, along with submitting your required application.

West Virginia Teacher Training Careers


Average yearly salary for teacher training in West Virginia

Since cosmetology instructors are responsible for the future of cosmetology, they may earn fairly competitive salaries. In West Virginia, the average salary for a vocational teacher is $45,700 per year (O*Net, 2014). Between 2012 and 2022, job openings in this field are expected to jump by 12% (O*Net, 2012).

As a cosmetology instructor, you may enjoy a fairly regular schedule. When you are assigned to a class or a cohort of students, you may stay with their group until they graduate. Although you may have a steady schedule, you may end up coming in early or staying late to work with students, grade work, or prepare lesson plans. Strong communication skills can take you far as a cosmetology teacher. If you can connect with students using their life experiences and their prior education, you may find that teaching them is much easier. This may also feed their love of the cosmetology industry.

Contact the West Virginia State Board of Cosmetology

West Virginia State Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists
Teacher Training
West Virginia

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